Cookies Policy

Home Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a piece of information, like a tag, that’s stored on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit a website. It can help identify your device whenever you visit that website. They are used by most major websites, including UpVeel.

How are cookies used?

Cookies aid in providing the user with a better online experience.
They measure and analyse how visitors use the site. This helps us develop it and make it easier to use.
They aid in optimising what the viewer sees, ensuring it is in line with your particular device or browser.

What cookies does the UpVeel website use?

This cookie aids in tracking number of times a visitor has been to the site. This is a persistent cookie.

This cookie provides information on where a website’s visitors have came from, particularly in relation to the information entered into a search engine.

If you’d like to alter how cookies interact with your browser, here is how to customise your cookie settings:

Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in most versions of Internet Explorer can be found by clicking the Tools option and then the privacy tab.

Cookie settings in Firefox are managed in the Privacy panel within the Options window.

Click on the spanner icon in the toolbar, select settings, click the under the bonnet tab, click on content settings in the privacy section.

You can manage cookies in Opera if you Click on settings, then Preferences, then Advanced and finally Cookies.

Choose Safari, then preferences and then click security. You should then be able to specify if and when Safari should accept cookies.

Managing cookies on a mobile phone is best done by consulting your manual or handbook.